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by ArtsWave

Clare Whitaker

Since 2013, I have been a member of ArtsWave's YP Board. I am asking for your support to help me raise $750.00 for ArtsWave's Community Challenge. Community arts centers, galleries and historic art companies all benefit from ArtsWave's support...which in turn impact the lives of students, young professionals and families throughout Cincinnati. With the help of tens of thousands of donors, ArtsWave supports more than 100 arts and community organizations that make Greater Cincinnati an amazing place to live. As I began my career in Cincinnati, the arts were instrumental to help me become better acclimated with the city as a young adult. Not only do the arts provide wonderful entertainment, but dozens of social and networking opportunities. Having lived in Cincinnati all my life, I can truly testify to the tremendous impact the arts have had on our city. It's inspiring to see how they have helped bring vibrancy to neighborhoods throughout Cincinnati. Your support is greatly appreciated! ArtsWave's mission: We are a leader and catalyst, advancing the vitality and vibrancy of our communities by mobilizing the creative energy of our region. We believe that the arts— music, dance, theatre, museums, festivals, and more —create a vibrant regional economy and a more connected community.








Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent that it exceeds the Fair Market Value of the benefits received. Tax benefits of the ArtsPass are considered insubstantial and the full amount of the gift is deductible for tax purposes. Participation in donor benefits at the $150+ level has a Fair Market Value of $30. Participation in the Reds ticket donor benefit at greater than $75 has a Fair Market Value of $34. Please allow up to 10 days for processing of ArtsPass benefits.



$750 GOAL

This Appeal 11 67%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.