ArtsWave is not yet ready to handle payments.


by ArtsWave

Libby Korosec

The Arts are a major driver of economic development in Greater Cincinnati. They create jobs, help educate our youth, help attract and keep companies and talent and they are FUN...among other things. Help Artswave keep the Arts alive and well in our region. Any amount will help us reach this year's goal. Give $75 and get an Arts Pass AND two free tickets to one of my favorite FUN activities -- a Reds game! Thank you for giving.








Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent that it exceeds the Fair Market Value of the benefits received. Tax benefits of the ArtsPass are considered insubstantial and the full amount of the gift is deductible for tax purposes. Participation in donor benefits at the $150+ level has a Fair Market Value of $30. Participation in the Reds ticket donor benefit at greater than $75 has a Fair Market Value of $34. Please allow up to 10 days for processing of ArtsPass benefits.



$250 GOAL

This Appeal 19 334%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.